Saturday, June 21, 2008

porty VS germy

hye ppl!!
me name is ko0ala xp

actually dis is my 1st post.
wat am i goin 2 talk about?

any topic pon bleykn?

*mind suddenly blank*

waa~ ape nk tulih ek

hehe dunn0 wuttusay-lah.
cite psl current issue pon okkn? i'll juz wrap it up
psl eur0 la
smlm (20june) i watched p0rty VS germy.

portugal versus germany...2-3
duhh wat a game!!

u guys might b wonderin y

*diulangi..u guys MIGHT b*
why a gurl lyke me,will watch a football game...hahaha~~
how weird is dat?
yep2..its weird

sbnrnye...2 b honest n all..
mule2 me tgk sbb nk cuci mate je
sbb bley tgk h0t2+kiut2 guys kickin+chasin ball

ble dpt tgk lampard ke..fabregas ke...or david villa ke mayen keja2 bola smbil bpeloh2
nmpk macho la..haha

it l0oks lyke they r really komited+focus+workin really hard
dats wats make them so fun 2 watch
2 b frank..
i'm not really dat kind of enthusiastic int0 football
but boley la if u wan me 2 name a couple or more players

now...during dis h0liday
i am really into eur0 cos:
1. i sggop stayup till suboh..means watch the match la
*juz wan 2 keep up ngn eur0 2008 tao*
2. thrill 2 know the score
3. bli jersey br *espana of cos!!*

4. stat gossip psl euro wit my fwens
5. evrytyme i bowink, i turn 2 channel 816,817,818..haha

*sape ade astro tao lew*
6. i'm so0 bored during dis holiday.seyesly dis is the bowinkest cuti ever!! xp
*even my closest fwens wun text me.dunn0 y..* x[
7. my sis rajen teman me watch the game.
(she text her bf thru out the game...mmg la bley thn tgk match..if not, gerenti die tid0 ponye la..hehe)
8. owh n my dad olso lykes 2 teman me. kewl is dat?

yayaya..not dat kewl
tp okeyh la 4 a typical gurl lyke me 2 watch fo0tball

back 2 the quarter final match btwn porty ngn germy
eventho porty klh
i also hepi german mng
cos they played clean game..tade gad02..tade tumbok2
owh cristian0 ronaldo nanges tao..

[c da pic bel0w...so0 cute!!] xp

adoiyai~~~ me so0 cedey
y la itu cristiano r0naldo sgt lumpy itu match

kate star MU..n stil waiting 4 twrn dr itu real madrid

during dat match
seyes die lmbt kejar b0la
n keje CR...tggu bola dtg....
pemalas tol!!

huhu xpe la..itu match sudeyh abih..nasi sudeyh jd bubur aym mcD..
itu german sudeyh msok quarter final maa.. was a go0d, i mean awesome match 2 watch!!
agi besh drp itu match spain lwn greece
so sl0w!!
i almost tit0 dpn tv.
nsb bek ade my sis teman me.
sgguh hampeh....hehe

ok dats all!!
owh wait2...
2 ppl out there (esp malaysian n if u'r a muslim)
kalo da tgk match eur0 tu
jgn lupe suboh b4 tit0~~
sbb bley xsedar+tlajak+tsuboh gajah,kura2,rimo,bla3
(lala..juz a reminder)
hik3 k daaa~~

*g0-g0-g0 espana....*

1 comment:

  1. owhhh...baru buat blog e..
    okay, keep updating...


--what do u think-- (^?^)